Chesterton Academy of Sacramento Attends the Walk for Life West Coast


A joyful group of students, faculty and staff from the Chesterton Academy of Sacramento attended the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on January 21.

Headmaster Joseph Moore, told the National Catholic Register that “The walk is necessary, as the truth — that all human life is sacred and that the murder of the unborn is unspeakably evil — is so fundamental that it sickens me that it needs to be made at all. Yet, every year, I’m glad I went, encouraged by the enthusiasm and love displayed by the walkers.”

"[Our job as parents] is to prepare our children to endure and outlast the culture of death and to rebuild our civilization,” he said. “We need joyful, educated Catholics to resist the tide of nihilism and irrationality that has seized our world, and, as the Church has so often done in the past, rebuild from the ashes. The Walk for Life is where we say to the world: ‘We do not consent. We stand for life!’”

Read the full article.

Chesterton Sacramento