Sophomore Class to Stage "Little Women"

As the weather gets cooler, the sophomore class at Chesterton Academy of Sacramento is preparing to warm our hearts with the beloved classic: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, adapted for the stage by Marisha Chamberlain. Performing the weekend leading up to the first day of Advent, this is the perfect opportunity to come together in community and let this touching story remind us of the importance of family, love, being thankful for our blessings, and gratefully accepting the crosses we've been given.

At Chesterton, we recognize the importance of telling good stories. Plato said that the most effective way to convey the truth is through the emotions, and this is especially true in drama where words, music, movement, lights, and the live presence of actors all come together to touch the depths of our hearts. Taking the written word and bringing it to life is also a great example of the concept of "incarnation" which is the main theme of sophomore year. Acting is literally "the word becoming flesh."

Drama is a required course at Chesterton Academy for sophomore, junior, and senior years. Drama can be said to be the most complete of all the arts, as students must bring together many disciplines to successfully produce a good theatrical performance. Through it, students improve their communication skills, teamwork, self-control, self-awareness and awareness of how their speech and movements are perceived by others. Students also, through the exercise of "becoming" a character different to oneself, grow in compassion and deepen their understanding of the human condition. The dramatic arts are particularly powerful in our present culture where movies and media are often the primary source of knowledge and ideas for many young people.

Theatrical performances are, by nature, community events and are more powerful experiences for everyone involved the more audience are able to attend. We hope many from the larger community will join us and let us share our talents, our time, and this beautiful story!

Chesterton Sacramento